To help support the species that brought about the start of Wild4Ever, we continue to support the conservation of jaguars in the wild! To this end, we have been proud to support the Northern Jaguar Project for many years. This hard-working group of conservationists, ranchers, townspeople, and concerned citizens from both the United States and Mexico are working together to preserve the long history of jaguar corridors between Mexico and the US. Land acquisition, cooperative land management, education and animal monitoring all are contributing to the hard-fought success of this special project. Check out their website to see all of the incredible work they are doing! Long live the jaguar!!
N.E. Ohio
Spotted Turtles are a threatened species in Ohio therefore protecting their habitat is vital to their survival. Wild4Ever is working with The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, the Greater Cleveland Aquarium, and USDA biologists as part of the larger SPOTD project. SPOTD also includes Cleveland Metroparks, Lake Metro Parks, Medina County Parks, Summit Metro Parks, Geauga Park District, USDA/APHIS, Cuyahoga Valley National Park and Stark Parks. This long-term project works to protect environments, assess turtle health status, research genetic diversity and augment hatchling survival by collecting spotted turtle eggs for captive rearing/release once they reach a size that is more advantageous to their survival. Wild4Ever is committed to making sure the severely threatened spotted turtle populations of Ohio will exist for generations to come. Wild4Ever works in the field, provides medical care, and gives financial support to this very important project protecting one of the more fragile animal populations in our state. Our commitment includes providing funding for field interns, W4E staff for fieldwork, purchasing tracking equipment, providing medical care, undertaking genetic studies of threatened turtle populations, and helping to fund habitat reconstruction. Thanks to you THE PROJECT IS WORKING!! Our group has been successful at increasing the threatened population in our study area AND we have recently finished our multi-year genetic study of our wild populations which will help future planning. Our next step, which is already underway, is to locate new turtle populations and create new habitats, including removing invasive plants and re-planting native ones.
Wildlife medicine continues to be our day-to-day focus. Wild4Ever’s veterinarians provide free wildlife medical care for Stark Parks, Summit Metro Parks, Project Orphan, and any number of wildlife good Samaritans. Wild4Ever’s veterinary staff provide emergency medical care for 500+ wildlife cases yearly and donates more than $100,000 annually in in-kind donated services for emergency care, hospitalization, medical care, diagnostics, medication, and surgical services to wildlife in need. We are also funding a multi-year CT study of raptors suffering head injuries. We hope to use our findings to better direct proper treatments and care for these commonly injured birds of prey. Thanks to our supporters, Wild4Ever is also proud to have provided funding for the now fully operational flight rehabilitation facility at Stark Parks. This large flight facility helps us diagnose and treat bird injuries and gives injured birds their best chance of survival to be strong flighted when they are released to the wild.
Local Wildlife
Local Wildlife
Wildlife medicine continues to be our day-to-day focus. Wild4Ever’s veterinarians provide free wildlife medical care for Stark Parks, Summit Metro Parks, Project Orphan, and any number of wildlife good Samaritans. Wild4Ever’s veterinary staff provide emergency medical care for 500+ wildlife cases yearly and donates more than $100,000 annually in in-kind donated services for emergency care, hospitalization, medical care, diagnostics, medication, and surgical services to wildlife in need. We are also funding a multi-year CT study of raptors suffering head injuries. We hope to use our findings to better direct proper treatments and care for these commonly injured birds of prey. Thanks to our supporters, Wild4Ever is also proud to have provided funding for the now fully operational flight rehabilitation facility at Stark Parks. This large flight facility helps us diagnose and treat bird injuries and gives injured birds their best chance of survival to be strong flighted when they are released to the wild.
As a keystone predator, jaguar are known to significantly influence the tropical forested and savanna ecosystems. Threats to jaguar include habitat destruction from cattle ranching, agriculture, logging and extraction activities. Northwest Nazarene University in partnership with Osa Conservacion, La Amastad Wildlife Refuges and Organization for Tropical Studies will be monitoring jaguar populations in southern Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula and in Talamanca in the La Amistad southwestern region. Osa Peninsula is home to at least half of all species living in Costa Rica, much of which is a protected wildlife forest preserve. The Talamanca mountain forests are an important eco-system for many plant, bird and animal species including large mammals such as jaguar, puma and tapir.
Forty remote cameras will be set in June/July 2014 to consistently monitor the jaguars. This method is non-invasive and efficient at capturing large amounts of data. Working in collaboration with Costa Rican researchers on long-term data collection, tracking stations will be set to better document jaguar and their potential prey in areas most likely to be travelled by them. The project also includes workshops in local communities of Osa Peninsula and Talamancas to better understand the perceptions, attitudes and activities related to jaguar-human interactions in this part of Costa Rica. Wild4Ever is proud to be a major contributor in this very important project which will lay the groundwork for more intense efforts in 2015 and years to follow. If you’d like to contribute to Jaguar Preservation, select the tab upon checkout on our donation page.
STATUS UPDATE: The Costa Rica Jaguar Monitoring Project enjoyed a very productive start-up year. The research group which includes Dr. Leslie Hay, Associate Professor of Biology at Northwest Nazarene University, faculty staff, undergraduate students and local Costa Rican naturalists, were able to establish multiple data collection sites in two wildlife refuges that generated data collection throughout the year to aid in wildlife conservation and local community wildlife education efforts. Information is also being presented by the students at a wildlife conservation conference.
Forty cameras were used continuously since June 2014 in two high and low elevation sites in Costa Rica. The preliminary results indicate differential frequencies of felids and other mammals between high and low elevations. Felids demonstrate higher abundance in the high elevation location. Prey species show different species composition between the two sites, with larger mammalian prey in higher abundance in the lower elevation sites. Another low elevation site was added at the end of 2014 by relocating some cameras, which will provide some comparisons between forest types, as well as landscape fragmentation. Scent lures at the trail camera stations demonstrated that numerous wildlife species are interested in the lures. This camera monitoring project provides important information to document the presence of all five species of Felids, as well as the complement of other forest mammals including prey. The research group also visited two schools and distributed school supplies to enhance student education and also developed a longer-term plan with environmental education outreach for assisting the schools with supplies. After site visits and meetings with station managers and environmental education specialists a draft community outreach poster for jaguar conservation in Costa Rica was developed to be translated and dispersed in May 2015.
Costa Rica Jaguar and Forest
Costa Rica Jaguar and Forest
As a keystone predator, jaguar are known to significantly influence the tropical forested and savanna ecosystems. Threats to jaguar include habitat destruction from cattle ranching, agriculture, logging and extraction activities. Northwest Nazarene University in partnership with Osa Conservacion, La Amastad Wildlife Refuges and Organization for Tropical Studies will be monitoring jaguar populations in southern Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula and in Talamanca in the La Amistad southwestern region. Osa Peninsula is home to at least half of all species living in Costa Rica, much of which is a protected wildlife forest preserve. The Talamanca mountain forests are an important eco-system for many plant, bird and animal species including large mammals such as jaguar, puma and tapir.
Forty remote cameras will be set in June/July 2014 to consistently monitor the jaguars. This method is non-invasive and efficient at capturing large amounts of data. Working in collaboration with Costa Rican researchers on long-term data collection, tracking stations will be set to better document jaguar and their potential prey in areas most likely to be travelled by them. The project also includes workshops in local communities of Osa Peninsula and Talamancas to better understand the perceptions, attitudes and activities related to jaguar-human interactions in this part of Costa Rica. Wild4Ever is proud to be a major contributor in this very important project which will lay the groundwork for more intense efforts in 2015 and years to follow. If you’d like to contribute to Jaguar Preservation, select the tab upon checkout on our donation page.
STATUS UPDATE: The Costa Rica Jaguar Monitoring Project enjoyed a very productive start-up year. The research group which includes Dr. Leslie Hay, Associate Professor of Biology at Northwest Nazarene University, faculty staff, undergraduate students and local Costa Rican naturalists, were able to establish multiple data collection sites in two wildlife refuges that generated data collection throughout the year to aid in wildlife conservation and local community wildlife education efforts. Information is also being presented by the students at a wildlife conservation conference.
Forty cameras were used continuously since June 2014 in two high and low elevation sites in Costa Rica. The preliminary results indicate differential frequencies of felids and other mammals between high and low elevations. Felids demonstrate higher abundance in the high elevation location. Prey species show different species composition between the two sites, with larger mammalian prey in higher abundance in the lower elevation sites. Another low elevation site was added at the end of 2014 by relocating some cameras, which will provide some comparisons between forest types, as well as landscape fragmentation. Scent lures at the trail camera stations demonstrated that numerous wildlife species are interested in the lures. This camera monitoring project provides important information to document the presence of all five species of Felids, as well as the complement of other forest mammals including prey. The research group also visited two schools and distributed school supplies to enhance student education and also developed a longer-term plan with environmental education outreach for assisting the schools with supplies. After site visits and meetings with station managers and environmental education specialists a draft community outreach poster for jaguar conservation in Costa Rica was developed to be translated and dispersed in May 2015.
As a keystone predator, jaguar are known to significantly influence the tropical forested and savanna ecosystems. Threats to jaguar include habitat destruction from cattle ranching, agriculture, logging and extraction activities. Northwest Nazarene University in partnership with Osa Conservacion, La Amastad Wildlife Refuges and Organization for Tropical Studies will be monitoring jaguar populations in southern Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula and in Talamanca in the La Amistad southwestern region. Osa Peninsula is home to at least half of all species living in Costa Rica, much of which is a protected wildlife forest preserve. The Talamanca mountain forests are an important eco-system for many plant, bird and animal species including large mammals such as jaguar, puma and tapir.
Forty remote cameras will be set in June/July 2014 to consistently monitor the jaguars. This method is non-invasive and efficient at capturing large amounts of data. Working in collaboration with Costa Rican researchers on long-term data collection, tracking stations will be set to better document jaguar and their potential prey in areas most likely to be travelled by them. The project also includes workshops in local communities of Osa Peninsula and Talamancas to better understand the perceptions, attitudes and activities related to jaguar-human interactions in this part of Costa Rica. Wild4Ever is proud to be a major contributor in this very important project which will lay the groundwork for more intense efforts in 2015 and years to follow. If you’d like to contribute to Jaguar Preservation, select the tab upon checkout on our donation page.
STATUS UPDATE: The Costa Rica Jaguar Monitoring Project enjoyed a very productive start-up year. The research group which includes Dr. Leslie Hay, Associate Professor of Biology at Northwest Nazarene University, faculty staff, undergraduate students and local Costa Rican naturalists, were able to establish multiple data collection sites in two wildlife refuges that generated data collection throughout the year to aid in wildlife conservation and local community wildlife education efforts. Information is also being presented by the students at a wildlife conservation conference.
Forty cameras were used continuously since June 2014 in two high and low elevation sites in Costa Rica. The preliminary results indicate differential frequencies of felids and other mammals between high and low elevations. Felids demonstrate higher abundance in the high elevation location. Prey species show different species composition between the two sites, with larger mammalian prey in higher abundance in the lower elevation sites. Another low elevation site was added at the end of 2014 by relocating some cameras, which will provide some comparisons between forest types, as well as landscape fragmentation. Scent lures at the trail camera stations demonstrated that numerous wildlife species are interested in the lures. This camera monitoring project provides important information to document the presence of all five species of Felids, as well as the complement of other forest mammals including prey. The research group also visited two schools and distributed school supplies to enhance student education and also developed a longer-term plan with environmental education outreach for assisting the schools with supplies. After site visits and meetings with station managers and environmental education specialists a draft community outreach poster for jaguar conservation in Costa Rica was developed to be translated and dispersed in May 2015.
Costa Rica Jaguar and Forest
Wild4Ever is a supporter of the Kibale Fuel Wood Project. Since 2006, New Nature Foundation has been working to protect Kibale National Park from encroachment and improve park/people relations by facilitating energy stability in surrounding villages. Kibale National Park is home to the densest primate population in all of Africa, over 300 bird species and many other mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish species that are facing severe threat due to deforestation.Wood and charcoal are the sole sources of energy for more than 98% of the people around Kibale. Fuel efficient stoves are having a major impact on the amount of wood being used by villagers saving over 3.3 million pounds of wood per year that would have otherwise been cut down. Today, many are constructing their own stoves without assistance. Equally important is educating locals to use their own homegrown firewood, native fast growing trees that provide immense amounts of fuel wood, plays an important role in protecting KNP and it’s wildlife.
Kibale Wood
Kibale Wood
Wild4Ever is a supporter of the Kibale Fuel Wood Project. Since 2006, New Nature Foundation has been working to protect Kibale National Park from encroachment and improve park/people relations by facilitating energy stability in surrounding villages. Kibale National Park is home to the densest primate population in all of Africa, over 300 bird species and many other mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish species that are facing severe threat due to deforestation.Wood and charcoal are the sole sources of energy for more than 98% of the people around Kibale. Fuel efficient stoves are having a major impact on the amount of wood being used by villagers saving over 3.3 million pounds of wood per year that would have otherwise been cut down. Today, many are constructing their own stoves without assistance. Equally important is educating locals to use their own homegrown firewood, native fast growing trees that provide immense amounts of fuel wood, plays an important role in protecting KNP and it’s wildlife.
Thank You letters received from the Uganda Science Center for our support Of Kibale Wood Fuel Project:
Health In Harmony’s Reforestation project studies methods to reverse the trend of forest loss and also educates communities about the value of rainforest while providing them opportunities to participate in restoring damaged areas. Now in their fifth year of reforestation, areas inside Gunung Palung National Park that were once denuded and dominated by invasive grass are successfully supporting native tree regeneration.The planting process increases scientific knowledge, while providing productive paid employment for villagers in preparing, planting, and caring for the seedlings to ensure the area grows into lush, green forest. Working with villagers around a devastated area where a logging company illegally cleared over 100 hectares (250 acres) of rainforest, twenty years ago they have replanted twenty hectares of this area in the past 4 years, and 6 more hectares in 2012 to restore a key “orangutan corridor” – a reforested bridge between larger habitat areas – that will once again allow these and other animals free movement and the opportunity to breed.
UPDATE: Sedahan, where the ASRI reforestation team planted 2 hectares of trees in 2012 to reconnect 2 pieces of the Gunung Palung forest, is now home to orangutan nests! This piece of land was identified as a critical corridor for allowing groups to move between habitats. Nests have been spotted in the trees in Sedahan, showing that all the hard work and investment has paid off and orangutans are traveling through the reforestation site!
Health In Harmony’s Reforestation project studies methods to reverse the trend of forest loss and also educates communities about the value of rainforest while providing them opportunities to participate in restoring damaged areas. Now in their fifth year of reforestation, areas inside Gunung Palung National Park that were once denuded and dominated by invasive grass are successfully supporting native tree regeneration.The planting process increases scientific knowledge, while providing productive paid employment for villagers in preparing, planting, and caring for the seedlings to ensure the area grows into lush, green forest. Working with villagers around a devastated area where a logging company illegally cleared over 100 hectares (250 acres) of rainforest, twenty years ago they have replanted twenty hectares of this area in the past 4 years, and 6 more hectares in 2012 to restore a key “orangutan corridor” – a reforested bridge between larger habitat areas – that will once again allow these and other animals free movement and the opportunity to breed.
UPDATE: Sedahan, where the ASRI reforestation team planted 2 hectares of trees in 2012 to reconnect 2 pieces of the Gunung Palung forest, is now home to orangutan nests! This piece of land was identified as a critical corridor for allowing groups to move between habitats. Nests have been spotted in the trees in Sedahan, showing that all the hard work and investment has paid off and orangutans are traveling through the reforestation site!
Health In Harmony’s Reforestation project studies methods to reverse the trend of forest loss and also educates communities about the value of rainforest while providing them opportunities to participate in restoring damaged areas. Now in their fifth year of reforestation, areas inside Gunung Palung National Park that were once denuded and dominated by invasive grass are successfully supporting native tree regeneration.The planting process increases scientific knowledge, while providing productive paid employment for villagers in preparing, planting, and caring for the seedlings to ensure the area grows into lush, green forest. Working with villagers around a devastated area where a logging company illegally cleared over 100 hectares (250 acres) of rainforest, twenty years ago they have replanted twenty hectares of this area in the past 4 years, and 6 more hectares in 2012 to restore a key “orangutan corridor” – a reforested bridge between larger habitat areas – that will once again allow these and other animals free movement and the opportunity to breed.
UPDATE: Sedahan, where the ASRI reforestation team planted 2 hectares of trees in 2012 to reconnect 2 pieces of the Gunung Palung forest, is now home to orangutan nests! This piece of land was identified as a critical corridor for allowing groups to move between habitats. Nests have been spotted in the trees in Sedahan, showing that all the hard work and investment has paid off and orangutans are traveling through the reforestation site!
Biogeography and Conservation Status of
Biogeography and Conservation Status of
Health In Harmony’s Reforestation project studies methods to reverse the trend of forest loss and also educates communities about the value of rainforest while providing them opportunities to participate in restoring damaged areas. Now in their fifth year of reforestation, areas inside Gunung Palung National Park that were once denuded and dominated by invasive grass are successfully supporting native tree regeneration.The planting process increases scientific knowledge, while providing productive paid employment for villagers in preparing, planting, and caring for the seedlings to ensure the area grows into lush, green forest. Working with villagers around a devastated area where a logging company illegally cleared over 100 hectares (250 acres) of rainforest, twenty years ago they have replanted twenty hectares of this area in the past 4 years, and 6 more hectares in 2012 to restore a key “orangutan corridor” – a reforested bridge between larger habitat areas – that will once again allow these and other animals free movement and the opportunity to breed.
UPDATE: Sedahan, where the ASRI reforestation team planted 2 hectares of trees in 2012 to reconnect 2 pieces of the Gunung Palung forest, is now home to orangutan nests! This piece of land was identified as a critical corridor for allowing groups to move between habitats. Nests have been spotted in the trees in Sedahan, showing that all the hard work and investment has paid off and orangutans are traveling through the reforestation site!
Wild4Ever was a project contributor for trail camera surveillance project to prevent habitat destruction by demonstrating the jaguar and other wildlife’s utilization of the habitat.Panama: Wild4Ever contributed funding to aid jaguar conservationists in relocating jaguars in danger of destruction to safe long-term habitats. Wild4Ever was also a charter contributor to the construction of MUNDO JAGUAR – an exotic felid conservation facility open to the public that can serve as a base for collaboration for the various conservationists and researchers in Central America. The grand opening of the facility was met with long lines of people anxious to visit the facility.
Guatemala & Nicaragua: Wild4Ever sponsored the Wildlife Conservation Society’s JAGUARS FOREVER Environmental Education Workshop. These three-day workshops were held in Guatemala, and on the edge of the Bosawas Biosphere Reserve in Nicaragua. They were attended by school teachers from Nicaragua and Guatemala for three day training courses on the WCS’S JAGUARS FOREVER curriculum. This curriculum teaches human-jaguar coexistence in areas of historical jaguar hunting. Over 30 school teachers from 11 communities attended each workshop that will aid jaguar conservation for years to come by educating the children of today and adults of tomorrow. The lesson plans reinforce the benefits and pride to be had by preserving local wildlife and wild areas.
Ecuador: The WCS JAGUARS FOREVER Program is a 3-day intensive training workshop held in El Coca, Ecuadorian Amazon. Like the previous years’ programs, JAGUARS FOREVER is an important workshop to instruct regional teachers how to incorporate jaguar conservation ideas into their lesson plans and also teaches local park rangers the importance of jaguar conservation issues in areas where they co-exist with people on both sides of the Andes. Additionally, Wild4Ever funded the production of written jaguar conservation materials and posters to use throughout Ecuador. Participants from Pambilar Wildlife Refuge organized two subsequent workshops training local teachers and high school students. The result of these workshops produced the Ecuador National Jaguar Plan for the conservation of jaguar in Ecuador.
Costa Rica: Wild4Ever continues its jaguar conservation mission as the primary funder for the Costa Rica Jaguar and Forest Monitoring Project. The program run by Northwest Nazarene University works with students and local NGO’s for a combined jaguar survey and local conservation education program. We hope to establish sufficient documentation of jaguar population as well as adequate prey population in the areas surveyed to appeal for land preservation. More information on this ongoing project at top of page.
Wild4Ever was a project contributor for trail camera surveillance project to prevent habitat destruction by demonstrating the jaguar and other wildlife’s utilization of the habitat.Panama: Wild4Ever contributed funding to aid jaguar conservationists in relocating jaguars in danger of destruction to safe long-term habitats. Wild4Ever was also a charter contributor to the construction of MUNDO JAGUAR – an exotic felid conservation facility open to the public that can serve as a base for collaboration for the various conservationists and researchers in Central America. The grand opening of the facility was met with long lines of people anxious to visit the facility.
Guatemala & Nicaragua: Wild4Ever sponsored the Wildlife Conservation Society’s JAGUARS FOREVER Environmental Education Workshop. These three-day workshops were held in Guatemala, and on the edge of the Bosawas Biosphere Reserve in Nicaragua. They were attended by school teachers from Nicaragua and Guatemala for three day training courses on the WCS’S JAGUARS FOREVER curriculum. This curriculum teaches human-jaguar coexistence in areas of historical jaguar hunting. Over 30 school teachers from 11 communities attended each workshop that will aid jaguar conservation for years to come by educating the children of today and adults of tomorrow. The lesson plans reinforce the benefits and pride to be had by preserving local wildlife and wild areas.
Ecuador: The WCS JAGUARS FOREVER Program is a 3-day intensive training workshop held in El Coca, Ecuadorian Amazon. Like the previous years’ programs, JAGUARS FOREVER is an important workshop to instruct regional teachers how to incorporate jaguar conservation ideas into their lesson plans and also teaches local park rangers the importance of jaguar conservation issues in areas where they co-exist with people on both sides of the Andes. Additionally, Wild4Ever funded the production of written jaguar conservation materials and posters to use throughout Ecuador. Participants from Pambilar Wildlife Refuge organized two subsequent workshops training local teachers and high school students. The result of these workshops produced the Ecuador National Jaguar Plan for the conservation of jaguar in Ecuador.
Costa Rica: Wild4Ever continues its jaguar conservation mission as the primary funder for the Costa Rica Jaguar and Forest Monitoring Project. The program run by Northwest Nazarene University works with students and local NGO’s for a combined jaguar survey and local conservation education program. We hope to establish sufficient documentation of jaguar population as well as adequate prey population in the areas surveyed to appeal for land preservation. More information on this ongoing project at top of page.
Sun Bears, at only 3.5 ft tall when standing, are the worlds smallest bears. With a continuing 30% decline in population over the last 30 years, sun bears are one of the six bear species threatened with extinction. Major threats to this unique animal are illegal poaching, habitat destruction and maiming for body parts and bile. Currently there are very few conservation efforts ongoing to help this critically endangered species. Wild4Ever is helping to support the start-up of a dedicated Sun Bear conservation facility in Borneo that will address the needs of orphaned animals, support habitat preservation and produce educational projects aimed at alerting the local populations to the critical nature of the Sun Bear’s situation.
Sun Bears, at only 3.5 ft tall when standing, are the worlds smallest bears. With a continuing 30% decline in population over the last 30 years, sun bears are one of the six bear species threatened with extinction. Major threats to this unique animal are illegal poaching, habitat destruction and maiming for body parts and bile. Currently there are very few conservation efforts ongoing to help this critically endangered species. Wild4Ever is helping to support the start-up of a dedicated Sun Bear conservation facility in Borneo that will address the needs of orphaned animals, support habitat preservation and produce educational projects aimed at alerting the local populations to the critical nature of the Sun Bear’s situation.
Wild4Ever, in cooperation with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has begun an exciting conservation initiative that has begun with the conservation of one of the world's rarest waterfowl, the white wing wood duck. The duck, with less than 1000 left alive, has been found to survive in the forested wetlands of northern Cambodia Wild4Ever has funded a group that has found White Winged Wood Ducks in the area and even discovered nest sites, something never before reported in Cambodia Wild4Ever has funded the protection of the nest that was rewarded by the observed hatching of seven ducklings this summer We will continue to monitor this group to gain valuable information on this rare and elusive species, in addition, Wild4Ever is working with WCS staff to create a conservation cooperative with a local village to protect a potential waterfowl nesting area. We will also work with local people in a conservation education program that will hopefully involve ecotourisme to support their efforts. A very exciting project with great early success
Wild4Ever volunteers recently funded their own trip to Cambodia to further the ongoing Cambodia project. Our ongoing support continues to fund WCS rangers protecting known nesting and teeding sites of white wing wood ducks and greater adjutants. We also continue to fund WCS's local community nest site protection programs for nesting birds. In addition, Wild4Ever is funding local community conservation education meetings and we are happy to report that our Wild4Ever funded conservation bird blind is completed and operationalll This blind on an important wildlife wetland and is part of a community wildlife protection project and will allow eco-tourists from around the world come to the area to view these endangered species. It will also bring funds to the local village to guide tourists to the blind and to run the nearby WCS eco-conservation camp, serving as further protection to the area Wild4Ever was proud to be the first "eco-tourists to try out curiservation camp and bird blind! It was a great experience and the WCS and local cambodian community should be very proud of their efforts efforts that will serve the conservation of Cambodian wildlife for years to come
Wild4Ever has supported species surveys, conservation exhibits, educational programs and nest box projects for endangered and threatened waterfowl species in critcal habitats in South America including the Orinoco Goose which is classified as near threatened due to hunting and habitat loss.
Wildlife medicine continues to be our day-to-day focus. Wild4Ever’s veterinarians provide free wildlife medical care for Stark Parks, Summit Metro Parks, Project Orphan, and any number of wildlife good Samaritans. Wild4Ever’s veterinary staff provide emergency medical care for 500+ wildlife cases yearly and donates more than $100,000 annually in in-kind donated services for emergency care, hospitalization, medical care, diagnostics, medication, and surgical services to wildlife in need. We are also funding a multi-year CT study of raptors suffering head injuries. We hope to use our findings to better direct proper treatments and care for these commonly injured birds of prey. Thanks to our supporters, Wild4Ever is also proud to have provided funding for the now fully operational flight rehabilitation facility at Stark Parks. This large flight facility helps us diagnose and treat bird injuries and gives injured birds their best chance of survival to be strong flighted when they are released to the wild.
A central mission of Wild4Ever is to help in any way we can to prevent the extinction (locally or globally) of wildlife species. Our 10 years plus participation in the Northern Ohio spotted turtle program illustrates how small groups of dedicated people can make big differences in local conservation. Working with our partners; the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, the Greater Cleveland Aquarium, USDA, and SPOTD, we are making headway in the struggle to preserve a critical population of these threatened Ohio turtles in their native habitat. Over the past decade of our groups’ work, we have located and studied an important population of spotted turtles and taken steps to protect them, understand more about them, help grow the population, create new habitats, and spread the word on how others can help before it’s too late!
We utilize many tools to reach our goal. For a start, we have collected, hatched and hand-raised spotted turtles to help them reach a size where their chances for survival in the wild will be improved. We have then released them back into their wild habitats and tracked their progress. With our partners, we have helped create new turtle habitats, consisting of new pools, waterways, and protected nesting area. Wild4Ever has also contributed to the acquisition and planting of native plants to these new areas and supplied USDA partners with camera equipment and some staff funding needs for the project.
We continue to monitor the turtle populations in the wild, but our methods of field tracking have evolved over the last decade. To reduce our human footprint in our fieldwork, in place of handheld tracking equipment, we are now utilizing small solar powered GPS data loggers placed on some turtles that periodically download their travel and location data to unmanned base stations for us to retrieve. In the coming year, we plan to take our hands-off approach one step further by downloading data to receivers mounted on drones. It’s exciting to utilize new technology to better protect these threatened wild animals in their native habitats. The results have been promising! Both new adults and wild hatchlings have entered our monitored populations, increasing population stability over the course of our groups involvement and making it all the more important to push forward!
In addition to our spotted turtle project, Wild4Ever is also pleased to partner with the Toledo Zoo, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, the Greater Cleveland Aquarium and USDA to help re-establish threatened Blandings turtles to their historic home in Northeast Ohio. As part of Toledo Zoo’s larger program, we are receiving hatchlings from their Conservation Head-start Program and rearing them in specially designed enclosures at the Greater Cleveland Aquarium. After reaching the size where their release success is optimal, we will outfit them as well with solar-powered GPS trackers prior to their journey into their new environment. Our team is planning multiple year releases with a balanced sex ratio to maximize the Blandings turtle project’s success. They will be released in a site where Blandings historically lived, but were lost due to large-scale environmental damage. The Cleveland Museum of Natural History has accomplished the monumental task of turning that environment back what it should be..and to hopefully once again be the home to Blandings turtles, along with a wide spectrum of other native wildlife and plants. Wild4Ever is proud to have helped supply some native plantings as well for this historic marsh project.
As children, many of us got our “first taste” of nature by spending many great days exploring the parks near our homes. Unfortunately, these natural areas are rapidly disappearing and fewer and fewer children (and adults) get to enjoy them and come into contact with nature as a regular part of their lives.
Wild4Ever has teamed-up with the non-profit group Akron Parks Collaborative (APC) to do something about it! The APC with Wild4Ever has launched the Nature in Our Neighborhoods program to give neighborhood parks a chance to receive Wild4Ever grants to create new and sustainable natural areas for all to enjoy. This project offers the opportunity for neighborhood people to choose what is best for their parks…bird house, bat houses, native plants, pollinators, water features to name a few. We hope to continue this program to help out as many neighborhood parks as possible, and help to create conservation champions for generations to come.
This year’s grants were awarded to Akron’s Marcy Park and Hardesty Park…enjoy!
We would love to hear from you! If you’d like to join our group or want to donate to the cause… let us know.
4873 Richland Avenue
Norton, OH 44203